
Coach says, it's not steroids it's Jesus juice

If you're going to teach kids to break the law you may as well do it right. Give the little sheep steroids. After all, that's what God made steroids for.
That's not as stupid as what they really said in the Greensboro News-Record article, 'God still in the game'.
What happens when a school employee admits to knowingly breaking the law on numerous occasions and requiring students to join in? In Guilford County North Carolina, I'll bet they get a good talkin' to and a God Bless, keep up the good work. What's your answer GCS Board of Education?


Greensboro Bonds - Don't be an enabler...

vote no.

Fire Stations: It is the responsibility of the Council to provide for our safety and include the cost in the budget. This isn't a bond item.
Public Building Renovation: It is the responsibility of the Council to provide for this in the budget and to maintain real property.
Economic Development: It is the responsibility of the Council to provide for this item in the budget, after they provide the same infrastructure to all tax payers. If they collected tax from corporations instead of giving them breaks they would pay for future business infrastructure.
Library Facilities: Build new libraries when operation funding was just cut to lower the budget?
Greensboro Historical Museum: Why can't things be taken care of? Why can't money be budgeted annually to meet obvious requirements for the future?
War Memorial Auditorium: More upgrades and repairs to the money pit? How about including the cost in the annual operating deficit? Just add a column for neglect and one for lack of foresight.
Parks/Recreation Facilities: Build more parks when the budget was just cut to fund parks? How about funding and taking care of what we have first.
War Memorial Stadium: Ahhh... The prime example of how the city maintains facilities. Lets have a bond to fix what they should be taking care of in the normal course of managing the city.
Swimming Center: In ten years this will be the Swimming Center Upgrade and Repair Bond. Did you know we have three indoor pools and four outdoor pools? Did you know the outdoor pools close in the middle of the hottest month of the year? Did you know they all need repair and staffing and we just cut the parks budget?
Civil Rights Center and Museum: If the city wasn't such a bad steward I would say we should own this.

Just remember, the passage of any bond only serves to promote mismanagement.